i've decided that my book of the month is The Caine Mutiny, but Herman Wouk. it might be cheating to choose this one because i haven't finished it yet, but it's so good that i just can't help myself. It won the pulitzer prize for fiction in 1952, but don't let that scare you away. it is by no means a dull, boring or dry read. it's set during world war two and follows the crew of the u.s.s. caine, who is under the command of a completely incompetent captain. i haven't gotten up to the actual mutiny part yet, but it's coming soon and i'm getting so excited! maybe it's just because i love reading about this time period, but this book is fascinating to me, and i'm having a hard time putting it down. i could barely tear myself away from it long enough to post this message! thanks to my little bro for turning me onto it. check it out at your local library. if you like it, i would also suggest that you read From Here To Eternity. it's probably one of the greatest war novels of all time, and was actually published in the same year as The Caine Mutiny. once again, run, don't walk, to your local library and get this book. you will not regret it. i promise.
i'm back in the city after almost a month at home. it's taking some getting used to. nothing makes me miss my car more than waiting 30 minutes for the subway. it's impossible to be on time for anything unless you factor in at least an extra hour for unexpected travel hang-ups. and for me, who developed an anxiety disorder about being late while i was in college, it's extremely frustrating. any rate, here's a breakdown of what i did while i was in f-town (i know you're dying of curiosity):
Feb.15-March 4- i house-sat (well, condo-sat) for jen while she was showing her horse in florida. it was pretty sweet, i'm not gonna lie. i had my own place where i could do whatever i wanted (which pretty much boils down to reading books and crocheting doilies. i officially have no life). i had a harrowing couple of days when the hot water heater broke and i thought i lost the cat, but all's well that ends well, and i ended up having a really good time. i also met her neighbors, who turned out to be very nice people. they helped me look for the cat outside for a while, and i felt bad when i discovered that she was actually under the couch the whole time.
March 5-March 7- put off going back to the city, hung out with kirbs, took some grief for bailing on hot fuzz after the first 20 minutes. i'm sure it's a hilarious movie, but we started it at 12:30am and i am not a night person.
march 8- drove up to my church job in mt. kisco, drove home, got on the bus to manhattan, got to my apartment, stayed for about three hours then remembered how much i hated it and got back on the bus to new jersey.
march 9-march 11- bitched about not wanting to go back to the city, then grew a pair and did it anyway.
march 12-march 15- worked, rehearsed, church job, back to flemington
march 16-march 17- got my irish on and tasted sweet victory in the office talent show. nearly every single one of my co-workers told me i should go on american idol after hearing me sing a mozart aria. i had to explain that i doubt american idol is looking for opera singers.
march 18- headed back to the city and here i am!
wasn't that fascinating? i know i haven't updated in a while so i thought i would give you the short and sweet version. i have a bad feeling that what i just wrote was neither short, nor sweet. sorry.