Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Is Twelve a Mystery, After All?

I just had a thought.  Remember a few weeks ago when I gave a shout-out to Dee to thank her for being number twelve and putting the stopper in my bottle of crazy?  Well, that stopper is wriggling loose, because here’s my thought: What if it’s not her?  What if it’s a stranger?  A mystery Deanna, if you will.    

I had just assumed that anyone reading my blog is someone I know, so naturally, because I only know one Deanna, I assumed it was her.  But I might be wrong.  That would be really embarrassing.  I mean, we all know what happens when you assume.  (Wait, you don’t know?  You must have skipped sixth grade, which is about the time that joke manifests itself.  Here’s the breakdown: when you assume, you make an ass out of u and me.  Get it?  Haha.  Hahaha.  Okay.  Moving on.)

If, Deanna, you are a stranger, then I apologize for mistakenly identifying you as someone else in front of the entire online community.  Actually, “entire online community” is vastly overestimating the size of my audience.  I suppose  I should revise that statement to “I apologize for mistakenly identifying you as someone else in front of the handful of kind-hearted souls who follow my blog out of pity for my constant need for attention”.  So really, it’s not a big deal.  Don’t worry.  Only a few people were given a false impression of who you are.  

If, Dee, it is in fact you, then congratulations on getting married!  I’ve been stalking you on facebook and I saw pictures of your wedding.  You looked so beautiful!  Remember that time that we went to the antique store by your house and I bought a bracelet?  I still have it.  I can see it from where I’m sitting right now.