Saturday, February 6, 2010

What is with the snow?!?

Seriously! I mean, I know it's Winter outside, but I'm getting a little sick of this. Did we have this much snow last year? I only like snow if it is before Christmas, because it puts me in a holiday mood. After December 25th, it just becomes a cold, slushy pain in the ass that makes me late to work in the morning because I have to take the time to scrape off my car. (Aside- I just broke my scraper the other day. I dropped it on the ground and it snapped in half because it was SO EFFING COLD OUTSIDE that the plastic was frozen and brittle.) So now it takes me even longer to scrape my car with the remaining shard. Fantastic.


Lah said...

that is so crazy!! every time i scrape my car i wonder if the damn thing is going to break haha. and it's really funny that you blogged about the snow bc i am in total agreement with you on the post holiday season snow...ugh!! :]

Lah said...

Oh, and I forgot to say, thanks for following my blog!

Molly said...

I love your blog, it cracks me up!