Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Blogblogblog Re-branded!

I've changed the title of my blog.  I felt that the old one was getting a bit stagnant, and this one is more in tune with my personality.  I'm a nerd.  I love Star Trek and fantasy novels.  I read history books and collect encyclopedias.  Last night I spent almost two hours watching the first couple of episodes of A History Of Britain on youtube.  I wonder about the proper way to end parenthetical expressions with emoticons.  If I have a choice between MTV and the National Geographic Channel, I'll take Nat Geo every time.  I call the National Geographic channel Nat Geo.  I subscribe to six different podcasts from the BBC, and five from NPR (and also the Freakonomics podcast.  Love it.).  I have a tattoo, which is totally badass, but it's an open book.  There is a Benjamin Franklin action figure on my desk at work.  I've never heard a single song by Lady Gaga and wouldn't know her if she walked up and slapped me in the face, but if you have an obscure recording of Purcell or Byrd, I'm your girl. I am absolutely devoted to the show Lost, and now that it's over I'm considering getting into Battlestar Galactica.  When I was twelve I decided I wanted to redecorate my room with a Winnie-The-Pooh theme, so I did and I left it that way until I graduated from college.  Sometimes when I have nothing to do, I'll go to Staples and stand in the pens and pencils aisle just looking until I find the perfect new pen.  I love sorting and organizing, and I have mild OCD which causes me to freak out about weird things like what time I eat my snack at work, and the volume level of the radio in my car.  I shelve my books in a way that only makes sense to me.  Example- my travel guide to Australia is right next to my autobiography of Renee Fleming, because I have an Australian friend who used to work for her.  The other day at work, it was fancy dress-up day because we had visitors and my boss told me that I looked very nice, but next time I should leave the big history book at home because it makes me look like a nerd and I'll never pick up any guys in the clubs that way.  I told him that I didn't see that as a big problem because I've never set foot in a club in my life, and don't ever plan to.  

In short, I am a card-carrying, flag-waving nerd.  You will not woo me by taking me out to a late dinner, and then to a club until all hours.  I will just start making bored noises and looking at the door every five minutes.  However, if you take me home and put on the Star Wars soundtrack and then re-enact the corresponding scenes with me, our souls will align and I might let you get to like second base or something. 


Chris Ellmann said...

I'm a lapsed nerd, at best. I think by dropping out of college it was mandated that I handed in my Nerd ID.

That said, I'm still a massive geek.

Fantasy, some scifi? sure thing. Gamer? bring it on. seriously considering transcribing a piece of renaissance polyphony cuz I hate the currently readily-available edition? yes. Do I have a sword collection that cost about what I pay in a year of rent? yes.

I don't have cable. I've never lived in a house with cable. But for some reason, my normal tv picks up food network. If I had nat geo, discovery, history (the Nazi Aliens channel) and Animal Planet, my leisure time would be jam packed. I've got no tattoos, needles scare me. Though I used to hang out at hardcore S&M fetish clubs because I like the music that goes with that scene. I'm friends with a girl who was interviewed by the wall street journal for their end-of-Lost article, but I'e never seen an episode. If I had space, I'd own encyclopedias.
The stereo system in my living room hooks up to a laptop, and there're four volume controls between the sound source and the speakers. It confuses people.
I've already found the perfect pen. It's either the blown glass one an ex got me in venice, or the glorious fountain pen that I had for years and then broke. Oops.

Have a great summer!

Molly said...

Everything you just said makes me so happy.

Silveretta said...

Molly, I just found your blog.
A: I am so happy that you have a tattoo.
B: I just started watching LOST and am planning on spending the rest of my saturday evening watching it. Ad-dicted to it.
C: I hope you've begun to watch Battlestar because it's SO AWESOME.
D: Have you ready any novels by Neil Stephenson?
E: I, too, stress out about how to end parenthetical comments with emoticons. I have found the best way to do this is to use brackets instead of parentheses.
F: Reading this post totally makes me miss you. I hope that life is treating you swell!!

Silveretta said...

PS - "Silveretta" is me, Val Weaver, your old college roommate!

Molly said...

I knew it was you!!! I've never read any Neil Stephenson books, what are they like? I miss you!

Silveretta said...

Oh man, I'm having such a hard time thinking of how to explain Neil Stephenson... He does, like, historically-based future fiction? He wrote the book Snow Crash in 1992 that is set in the 21st century. Money has become electrified therefore the structure of national government collapses, and now what's left is a world in which there are, more like, ethnic fast-food-chain communities. It's action-adventure but you always learn something in his books. I would begin with Snow Crash. His concepts have really stuck with me and everyday life consistently reminds me of his writings. It's pretty easy to read, his books always begin slow, with a set-up of the world that he's created and then it goes into whatever adventure he's writing about. Very interesting and keeps me thinking after I've read them.