Monday, May 24, 2010

Nothing, really. Just some stuff.

I just ate a piece of pineapple chess pie. It was delicious. It was also ten days old. I hollered down the stairs to my mom to see if it was safe to eat, but she was too busy watching Dancing With The Stars. So I took my life in my own hands and decided to go for it. What is the shelf-life of pie? I don't really know. It was in the fridge, so it's okay I guess. Right? I suppose we'll know for sure soon. I could be dead in a few hours. These may be the last words I ever write. I wonder what it would be like to go to my own funeral. I've kind of secretly always wanted to. It makes me think of two things. The first thing is that part in Tom Sawyer when everyone thinks that Tom and Huck are dead, and then they come to their own funeral. The other thing that it makes me think of is The Golden Girls. I forget what episode, but at one point Blanche is talking about how when she was sixteen her parents made her mad so she wanted to teach them a lesson. She faked her own death, and then watched her funeral. She was so happy because so many people came out to see her and were saying all kinds of good things about her and how much they loved her. Then she popped out and said "Surprise, it's me! I'm not really dead!" and her dad beat the tar out of her. I guess it's kind of an ego thing to want to hear what people have to say about you. But I would be totally curious as to who would come to mine. I want it to be really fun. Okay I'm getting a little morbid now.

Here's something fun- I got two new Pears' Cyclopaedias in the mail the other day. Well, not new, one is from 1929 and the other is 1932, but they are new to me. They are my current obsession. I'm not even going to try and explain what they are here, you can google it. It's so cool. The best part is that it's a British publication, so all the most interesting parts are things like Some Lengthy Tunnels, and how to write letters to persons of royalty, and a chart of silver and china marks so you can tell who made yours. It's really interesting to see how things change over time, too. For instance: I looked up Gandhi in the Prominent People section of my 2010 edition. There are almost two solid inches of text about him (itty-bitty printing). Then just for kicks I looked hi
m up in my 1946 War Economy edition, and my 1934 edition (this would be when Britain was not a big fan of Gandhi) and all it said about him was "Prominent Hindu leader". My, how things have changed. The fun part about collecting Pears' is that every one is a little bit different. I think I'm hooked.

My Pears' Cyclopaedia Collection. Please notice that the bookend is a giant Pear.

Now I'm watching my frogs. One is swimming around like crazy (I think he's about to shed his skin, which is gross because after they do that, they eat it) and the other one is hiding under the food plate. Oh great. Now the crazy one is stuck to the glass above the water line. Hold on. I have to go save his life.
Okay, I'm back. It's a good thing I was looking. Stupid frog. That's not the first time he's done that. I guess I can't fault him for being dumb, though. He's very small and doesn't have a lot of room in his tiny head for brains. Poor little guy.

*Disclaimer- I don't know why the font at the end came out in weird sizes. That was not intentional, I can't figure out how to fix it, and it's wreaking havoc with my OCD.

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