Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Little kid food

My mom is making hot dogs for dinner and I'm weirdly excited about it.  I love hot dogs.  Hot dogs hot dogs hot dogs.  Eating a hot dog always makes me feel like a little kid.  So do these things: 

Other Food That Makes Me Feel Like A Child
cinnamon toast
Gortons Fisherman popcorn shrimp
chicken nuggets shaped like other things (dinosaurs, stars, etc.)
frozen vegetables
celery and peanut butter
Kid Cuisine tv dinners
the kind of orange juice that comes frozen in a can and you have to put it in the pitcher and pour cold water over it and then chop it up with a wooden spoon



callender said...
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callender said...

French toast sticks? Those bring me back!

Molly said...

Yes! LOVE the french toast sticks. You know what else brings me back? Waking up super early on a Saturday morning so we could watch Fashion Emergency on your sofa.