Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Love Letter To My Moisturizer

Dear Avalon Organics Vitamin C Oil-Free Moisturizer,

Thank you for hydrating my skin!  You are so light and smooth, and you make my face feel good.  I love the way that you smell like oranges.  Or lemons.  I’m not very discerning at 6.50am.  Either way, you smell delicious, kind of like you would taste really good.  But you don’t taste good.  (Don’t judge me. I was curious.) 

That’s okay, because whatever the ingredients are that make you so perfect are likely toxic and would probably kill me if I ate a whole jar of you.  One time, I ate a whole tin of Sucrets because they tasted like candy and my mom had to call Poison Control!  Did you make yourself taste bad on purpose to keep me safe?  That was so thoughtful of you!  

Thank you, Avalon Organics Vitamin C Oil-Free Moisturizer, for having a rancid flavor and saving me an embarrassing phone call to Poison Control, and possibly a trip to the emergency room to have my stomach pumped.      

Thank you also for your continued efforts to make my skin smooth and silky.  Keep up the good work!  I will see you tonight after I wash my face.  I can't wait!

Your friend,


melissa said...

should i try this? is it delightful?

Molly said...


La Toya said...

Molly, you are so damn funny.

Megan said...

MOLLY! I'm so glad you joined me on the Vitamin C movement!!!

Megan said...

I am SO glad you are joining me on the Vitamin C movement!!! I am seriously obsessed. When I run low, i freak out and do whatever I can to salvage every last drop.

ok, maybe that was TMI.

love you!

Molly said...

La Toya: I live to entertain!

Megan: I love Vitamin C!!! I was in the market the other day and got the urge to buy face products, and they caught my eye. I'm easily enticed by bright colored things. I thought that maybe they were the same ones that you had talked about in your blog, so I bought them on the off chance that I was right. I checked when I got home and...I was right! Yay!

You can never give too much information when it comes to skin care. That's what I always say. (Actually, no it's not. I've never said that before right now. In fact, before I bought Vitamin C, I had never washed my face on a regular basis. Not kidding. I mean, like, once a month in the shower, maybe.)