Monday, November 15, 2010

Day 1: Ten Things You Want to Say to Ten Different People Right Now

This is Day One of the 10-Day Challenge!  So far it's fun, but that's probably because it's new.  I have a tendency to get excited about new things and then half-way through be like "This is boring.  I thought it was going to be way better than this.  I guess I'll push through anyway, because it's always good to finish what you starte- ooooh, something shiny!"  I have lots of partially-crocheted blankets that have met this exact fate.  My current ability to focus is in a tragically terminal state, so we'll see if I make it through all ten days.  But I'm here for the moment, so let's start.  Day One!  Here we go! 

LaToya- Obviously I’ll start with you, because I stole this idea from your blog.  I did not know you were a Mario fan.  Now every time I wear my Mario and Yoshi tee-shirt, I’ll think of you.  And, by the way, regarding something you told me once at Coldstone, it is my considered opinion that you are not too black to sing Juliet.

Katie- Eleventy-forty. I'm so happy that I get to see you every week, and sometimes twice a week, even though we're not in school anymore.  I couldn't ask for a better best friend!     

David Cameron- I would really like to come and hang out in your country for a bit, but am finding it nearly impossible to procure a U.K. work visa for myself.  Would you please use your Prime Minister powers and just let me in?  I only want to stay for a couple of months and then I‘ll leave.  I promise.

Alison- You don't read my blog (probably because I've never told you I have one, and even if I ever do tell you, you don't have to read it) but I was thinking about you today, so you made the list.  Hi! 

Mikey- Heathcliff, it’s me, a-Cathy.

George Martin- Are you almost done writing book 5?  No offense, but you’re getting kind of old and I’m worried that you’re going to die before you finish the series.  That’s what happened to Robert Jordan and I was most displeased. 

Megan- I’m so proud of you for what you’re doing with your songwriting.  Also, you have such a fabulous sense of style and I often find myself thinking of you whenever I’m less than motivated to dress my best.  It helps me.

Christian-  We should talk more about our mutual love for The Court Jester.  You’re the only person I know who likes that movie as much as I do.

Mom- You should find someone to fill in for you at church so you can come hear Lessons and Carols.  It’s super Christmas-y. 

Santa- Please bring me a fabulous apartment in the Hudson Valley area, and an awesome new job that’s more interesting than the one I have now.  And, if you have time, I’ve always wanted the ability to move objects with my mind.  I’m just saying. 


La Toya said...

HAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You are amazing. Thank you, I'm going to go practice the Poison aria right now.

La Toya said...

OH I hope you know that Lazy Girl is me! (La Toya)

melissa said...

i know, i know.

i also really like this project.