Saturday, November 20, 2010

Day 5: Six Things You Wish You Had Never Done

This was actually really hard because I'm generally pretty pleased with the way things have turned out so far, but I wish that I had never:

Lost my DVD of A Goofy Movie.

Sung at the office Christmas party last year because it's getting close to December now and people will not stop asking me to do it again.

Developed an anxiety disorder about being late (thank you Jac)

Eaten those Samoas for breakfast.

Waited so long to bring those books back to the library because now I owe them $98.00, and I'm too embarrassed to go pay the fine so I haven't been to the library since March.

Wasted so much time worrying about stupid things.


La Toya said...

Whoaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! That is a huge library fine. Damn girl!!! I thought my 44 dollars at the Performing Arts Library was bad. EEE.

This is La Toya by the way, signed in under my book blog moniker. I've become obsessed with making it an awesome blog, one day at a time.


Molly said...

I love your book blog :-) It is completely awesome!!

LMsquaredG said...

I once had a library fine over $100. The my sense of Catholic guilt and my anxiety over the fines caused me to have a nightmare that someone from the library came to our house and wrote "You Have Overdue Fines" in red paint on our garage. I woke up in a cold sweat.

My parents had to pay the fine.

Molly said...

Hahaha that's a terrifying dream! But there's no way my parents are going to bail me out of this one... ah, the joys of financial independence... kinda makes me wish I was back in high school :-)