Friday, November 19, 2010

Day 4: Seven Things that Cross Your Mind A Lot

In no particular order:

1. What's for dinner?

2. I don't want to get up.

3. What day is it today?

4. Do I have to shower today?

5. I wonder what my next job will be.

6. I hope I can move out soon.

7. Please stop talking to me.  I just want to read my book and I'm on my lunch break.

Wow, okay, so apparently I have a very boring life and I never know what's going on.  And I don't take enough showers.  That was just kind of sad.  Let's pretend it never happened, okay?  I'll see you on Day Five.  Peace.  

1 comment:

Lah said...

HA!!!!!! I like that you list off your things and then you're, that was...something. And yeah the turn-ons were difficult because I'm not really sure what I like half the time. And I was trying not to sound superficial?!

Scorin <--that's pretty close to an actual word!