Friday, November 12, 2010

The Supply Closet at Work is Probably the Safest Place to Hide From a Bear. Especially if There's an Ex-Nun Inside.

Last night I received a very awesome text message from a friend regarding her and another person, which required my immediate attention, but it was kind of late so I decided to save it for the following day (which would be today) to give me something to do at work.  I was looking forward to responding in a verbal fashion, but unfortunately I failed to remember that there is an ex-nun temporarily working in the room in which I usually make phone calls, and I would feel weird discussing my friend's opportunities for potential hook-ups in front of someone who used to be married to Jesus and probably still has a direct line to God.  

So, consequently, I was bored at work all day until a woman that I work with came over to my desk and started poking my face with her finger without explaining to me what she was doing.  I had no idea what was going on, and my first instinct was to freeze and then play dead.  Like how the nature survival shows tell you to do in the instance of a bear attack.  

Side note- when bears attack, do not run.  This only serves to excite them and bears are faster than you.  I don't care if you are Jesse Freaking Owens with four fancy gold medals.  You cannot outrun a bear.  Don't say I didn't warn you. 

Anyway, I was frozen in place, thinking about the likelihood of a bear attack, when I realized that she was merely comparing my face to hers in an effort to gauge how old she looks.  (I have no idea how old she is, but I would guess mid-thirties.  I am 25.)  

So, no bear attack, but still.  She was poking my face.  It was weird.  But at least I know that if a bear were to go on a rampage at my office, the safest place to hide would be the supply closet because that's where the ex-nun is and God would probably protect her first.


Lah said...

HAHAHAHAHAHA This is the funniest thing I ever read ever. Did you see the comment I made back to you under your comment on my blog? I wrote a whole thing. Then I realize you might not know it's there.

Lah said...

I also need you to know that the "prove you are a person" word that I had to type in for the previous comment was "noirs".

Anonymous said...

you work with a woman who pokes your face? Hmmmm...that's odd. But no more odd that than the little crazy woman who used to smack me on the ass every chance she got or the loony woman who saved plucking her chin hair for WORK.

People are nuts! ;)

By the your post! And the Baby rhino! LOVE that!

Molly said...

LaToya- I read your comment! I def didn't know it was there, so thanks for the heads up, haha. I wish I had got to hang out with you and Angie too. If I had, I would probably know whether the 't' in your name is capitalized or not instead of just guessing.

Molly said...

L.T.- She totally pokes my face! I think she's very nervous about how she looks as she's starting to get older, so she compares herself to me all the time. But she's not slapping my ass. Yet.