Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Day 2: Nine Things About Yourself

Are you sure you want to ask a soprano to talk about herself?  Okay… just checking…

1. The first song that I have a conscious memory of singing is from when I was 4 years old. My mother told me to come stand by the crib and sing my newborn baby brother a lullaby. I sang him all three verses of "There's A Tear In My Beer" by Hank Williams

2. I can tell you exactly what is happening at any given point during the movie “Mulan” simply by listening to a random few seconds of the soundtrack.  

3. I’m a huge dork and I’m not afraid of it.  I am currently saving my money to purchase a teeny tiny replica of Stonehenge that’s going to go on my desk at work.  I’ve already cleared a space in anticipation of its arrival.

4. Today at work I was assigned a project that may cause me to need to create multiple spreadsheets.  I cannot describe to you the level of excitement that I feel regarding this possibility.  

5. I have a distant cousin you may have heard of.  His name is Johnny Cash.

6. I also have cousins named Cakey, Tweety, and Butterbean.

7. When I was a kid and living in California, I had this friend named Alison Hesterworth.  Every time she came over to my house, I would make her play Vet with me.  I would be the veterinarian, and she would be the person with the sick pet.  She would bring her sick pets (played by my stuffed animals) into my office so I could heal them, and I ALWAYS made them die.  I have quite a flair for the dramatic.  I haven’t talked to her in sixteen years, and haven’t a clue as to where she is now, but every now and again I think about her and wonder if she remembers this.  

8. I am very, very afraid of dying alone in outer space.  How this event could ever actually happen is a mystery, and the fact that it never will is inconsequential.

9. I collect antique hair combs and Pears’ Cyclopaedias.  Did I mention that I’m irrevocably nerdy?


La Toya said...

LOL # 7!!!!!!! I woke up my cats laughing so loud at that. How did I miss this post?! I won't miss any others. [ingish]

Molly said...

Haha the sad thing is that it's completely true- I don't know what that says about my likelihood of becoming a serial killer...